BDRAG10.ZIP 50592 05-18-96 Bernice the Dragon v1.0. She's cross-eyed and has a bad habit of sticking her tongue out at people - but she'll certainly add a unique touch to your BBS. Displays the last remote caller to your system. Features chat mode. CVW011.ZIP 28285 06-01-96 Caller Lister v0.011. Supports up to 256 nodes. Lists node, user, location, baud, logon time, logoff time, and how many times they've called! DC1_5.ZIP 65659 06-10-96 DC v1.5. Would you like to be able to create ANS/ASC screens showing who has DROPPED CARRIER on your BBS? Would you like to be able to automatically drop their SEC level if they keep dropping carrier? DCTCL005.ZIP 65101 05-26-96 DCT Caller Listing v0.05. Displays a colourful listing of the previous callers before the user, and can be configured to look any way you wish. Full ANSI & ASCII support, multi-node capable. GRAUS102.ZIP 54124 04-20-96 GraUser v1.02. Globaly change users credits, security, users flags, within seconds based on users AGE or security. Makes envelope ready user listings based on your users AGE or security. Great for the sysop wanting a 21 mailing list! HSPOST33.ZIP 41372 05-28-96 HS-Post v3.3. Post a file as a message to users with a particular security level or group- number in the HMB messagebase. POST will use the users real name or handle to write the message to. HSUSER11.ZIP 44466 04-10-96 HS-User v1.1. Change sec. level and flags in USERS.BBS according to sec. level and subscription-date. Option to write netmail to SysOp and/or create a logfile. Multi-Language Support. ISERV260.ZIP 107761 04-03-96 IServer v2.6. Imports email from a fidonet netmail source directly into your BBS making internet email seamless with your BBS. Powerful server engine can reply with bounce messages if the user does not exist on your system. LISTV10.ZIP 12008 04-14-96 RA-Lister v1.0. BBS list database with many features. MWJOIN16.ZIP 101588 05-20-96 Conference Select-Door v1.6. ANS/AVT, files/mails, areas/groups, one or two columns; all-areas mode, area sort; area-summary; index-mode, lightbar driven; shows page counter, search new files/mails, empty area, ANSIs, colors, more. ONELN1_0.ZIP 86280 06-10-96 Oneline v1.0. Oneline comment wall. Let your callers leave oneline messages to the next caller. PWRCID10.ZIP 15342 04-08-96 PowerCID v1.00. CallerID Utility which imports the name and the number from your FrontDoor or InterMail Log file and places it right into your specified RemoteAccess LOG. No more CID Boxes to worry about or double checking your FD log. RA2T_200.ZIP 234939 06-07-96 RA 2 TAG v2.00. File Tagging Door with excellent CD-ROM support even if a CD is not online! Can be used to list, search and request files. This utillity uses the RA filebase and is fully multi-language and multline aware. RAACD200.ZIP 77852 04-03-96 RA Ultra-AutoCD v2.00. Do you have many CD's but only one CD-ROM drive? Do you keep switching the CD's and your users don't know which CD is in? Have you not yet found a convenient way to tell your users which CD is in your CD-ROM drive. RALCED12.ZIP 56432 04-26-96 RALCED v1.02. LASTCALL.BBS Editor. Easily remove, edit and add entries in your LASTCALL.BBS file using a point and shoot interface. RAMSV131.ZIP 199086 06-08-96 RA Automated Message System v1.31. The BEST automated message system! Automated posting of all those boring messages a busy Sysop needs to send to users. RAV200.ZIP 114227 05-14-96 Remote Archive Viewer v2.0. Online archive viewer for ZIP2, ARJ2, LZH, RAR, UC2 SQZ, HYP, ZOO, ARC, PAK. Detecting arc by arc-id. Viewing SFX archives. Viewing imbedded archives. Handles even pwd archives. RCHAT1_0.ZIP 92316 06-10-96 RapidChat v1.0. Split screen chat program. ROM2RA.ZIP 13170 06-23-96 ROM2RA. Quickly install any Cd-ROM into your RA 2.xx file dataBase. This program will make the installing of a CD-ROM file areas or disk drive areas pretty simple. SS_108.ZIP 302520 05-17-96 SysOp Statistics v1.08 Fast! TAG_D_20.ZIP 104115 06-18-96 Tag Down v2.00. Mini download-door. Tag & on/off. Gives a user more detailed information than the internal downlo adoption from RA like: DL-Time, special files-status information like free, free-time, cost, password and if on CD-ROM or TSTAT047.ZIP 77061 05-31-96 TopStat v0.47. BBS Stats program generates 15 bulletins. TUHM.ZIP 93785 04-25-96 The Ultimate Hypertext Manager - Bring hypertext to your BBS. Defines links between documents or starts other doors from within documents. UBLST102.ZIP 68312 04-16-96 Ubuz Lister v2.0. Better FDB filebase lister. Supports all current RA functions, plus smooth backward scrolling and arrow key tagging.